German Names.. (+ rok mp3)


Bad Kissing – a village somewhere in Bavaria. There’s also a «Kissing», see below.

Fucking – a town in Austria called. Website:

Fürkhofstrasse – a street in Munich – Johanneskirchen

Großhardern – a Munich city district sometimes pronounced «Groß Hard-on»

Grub – Munich S-Bahn station

Kissing – a stop on the train line between Munich and Augsburg. There’s also «Bad Kissing», see above.

Rimsting – a village in Bavaria

Schittgablerstrasse – just north of Munich’s Olympiazentrum

Suckfüll – a shop opposite Sausalitos on Türkenstrasse in Munich. It sells household items and fixtures.

Titting – a village in Bavaria

Tuntenhausen – a village in Bavaria

Wank – a mountain in the Bavarian Alps near Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Wank is also a small town between Nesselwang and Fussen on the B310.

Wankbahn – the cable car up the Wank mountain

Wankstrasse – a street in Munich

butchers called Fuck Fleischmarkt

Anatrixiaste. Comets on fire :

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  1. xoum xoum

    thymasai ti diafimis spatenbrau palia sto sinema pou peftane me kati aleksiptwta kai prosgionotane panw se ena mgalo sima spatenbrau se kati xorafia kai meta pinane oloi mazi spatenbrau? to xantho aneta, opote thelei…

  2. xoum xoum

    Παγκόσμιος ιστός

    Η αναζήτηση – spatenbrau parachute – δε βρήκε κάποιο έγγραφο.


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